Launch Preparation

Continuation of the posting of early ‘blogs’ from the vinceunlimited website

It’s now September and in line with thoughts that my site should be updated and added to every couple of months I’m thinking about uploading the next batch of pages.

My output is not prolific as I have to balance the work/pleasure/website proportioning sensibly.  I sometimes work on the site during my daily return commute (I sleep on the way in!) but this time is often hi-jacked by a game of Spider Solitaire – it helps me unwind.

I’m ready to launch version 2.02 (this blog was launched in this version) and am thinking about the next update.  The next version may be the first to contain images, although as the whole site is hand-coded in HTML I need to establish how to control image size, quality, positioning and word-wrapping first.  I could use a proprietary application but that would be cheating.

Another thing I need to do is get the site advertised.  Already I have registered the site’s credentials with Google and Yahoo but searches for ‘vinceunlimited’ are producing unreliable results.  Google manages to find my Opinions page and as a secondary thing my Versions page but falls short of listing the actual homepage.  Perhaps my Opinions page is where readers start?

Yahoo searches actually yield diddly-squat.  I cannot understand why a search engine cannot find a name that is actually part of the domain URL.

I do know that search engines use as one factor the number of external links but my site is too eclectic to be linked from one set of other sources.  I’ll have to start requesting links for specific pages from some sites.  So, if you run a site, like my content and can think of where to link your site please don’t hesitate to add that link.  Let me know about it and I’ll return the compliment.

Meanwhile I better get back to devising content.  Or Solitaire.

Author: Vince Poynter
From the Blog section of the website dated 20 Apr 2018
First Published: Version 2.02 on 6 Sep 2005